Tuesday, December 6, 2016

It's Raining Profits :) ......

Hello Friends, 

As I told you earlier, I will be Posting frequently here... so keep visiting and don't miss the opportunities to earn good Money. 

Posting Last Few days Results for your reference : 

Equity Trades : 

1) ACC Ltd. = 1280 to 1350 = 70 Rs. (5.5%)
2) CEAT Ltd. = 1100 to 1300 = 200 Rs. (18%)

3) Engineers India Ltd. = 270 to 305 = 35 Rs. (13%) 

4) LICHsg Fin. Ltd. = 526 to 551 = 25 Rs. (5%) 

5) IB Housing Fin. Ltd. = 724 to 760 = 36 Rs.  (5%)

6) UPL = 630 to 648 = 18 Rs. (3%) 

7) REC = 139 to 137 = -2 Rs. 

8) Arvind Ltd. = 362 to 357 = -5 Rs. 

9) PFC = Trade Open 

10) Tata Metaliks = 310 to 373 = 63 Rs. (20.4%)

Future Trades :

1) ACC Ltd. = 1280 to 1350 = 70 x 400 = 28,000/- (Trade Open) 

2) CEAT Ltd. = 11 to 1300 = 200 x 700 = 1,40,000/- (Profit Booked) 

3) Engineers India Ltd. = 270 to 305 = 35 x 3500 = 1,22,500/- (Trade Open)

4) LICHSG Finance Ltd. = 526 to 551 = 25 x 1100 = 27,500/- (Profit Booked) 

5) IB Housing Finance Ltd. = 724 to 760 = 36 x 800 = 28,800/- (Trade Open) 

6) UPL = 630 to 648 = 18 x 1200 = 21,600/- (Free Group Update) 

7) UPL = 630 to 680 = 50 x 1200 = 60,000/- (Paid Signal)

8) NIFTY Future = 200+ points
9) NIFTY IT Future = 600+ points 

10) BANKNifty Future = 500 points 

Options Trades : 
1) Reliance 1020 Call : Open 

2) Banknifty 18500 Call : 130  to 260 = 130 x 40 = 5200/- 

3) Nifty 8200 Call : Open 

4) Banknifty 19500 Put Short : 1300 to 1050 = 250 points (Open) 

5) YesBank 1240 Call : 11 to 23 = 12 x 700 = 8400/- 

6) CEAT 1300 Call : 21 to 51 = 30 x 700 = 21,000/- 

7) Hexaware 210 Call = Open 

8) Tatasteel 440 Call = Open  

ONLY FREE Trade ideas Shared on WhatsApp, Blog and Telegram are Considered here. 

No Paid Call Updates Posted here. 

IF anyone Still Needs any Proof of Previous Trades, I can Just Smile for you. No One in the Industry generates profits to this extent in Free. 

The Fees Charged is Too Small Compared to Other Service Providers. 

Don't Compare Only Fees, Compare Profits Generated and Risk Associated with the Trades :) 

We work according to International Standards in the Industry and Affordable in Indian Price. Every Trade Comes with exact details including Entry, Stoploss, Targets, Lot Sizes, Investment Required, Risk Associated, Reward Expected... Does anyone provides so detailed Trades ?? 

Every trade is Backed by Technical Analysis, Not Just Speculation.

If you are Still Thinking, Forget Everything and Connect For Consistent Profits. May the New Year Bring you Wisdom and Financial Freedom !!

For Details WhatsApp & Telegram : +91 8275 298 208